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The "Custom Domain" screen in SimplifyAnalytics is a vital function for users who wish to integrate the platform's analytics capabilities with their own branded domain. This feature enhances the professional appearance of analytics tracking URLs and ensures that data collection is aligned with the user's domain structure. By customizing how the analytics platform interacts with their website, users can maintain a consistent brand experience and take full control over the tracking and redirection behavior associated with their domain.

Connecting a Custom Domain

Managing Existing Custom Domains

Utilizing Custom Domain Data

Each of these functionalities is an integral part of managing a web presence effectively through SimplifyAnalytics, enabling users to make informed decisions to enhance the performance and visibility of their websites.

Connect Custom Domain form

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This screen within SimplifyAnalytics is dedicated to connecting a custom domain to the user's analytics account. It's an important feature for businesses looking to personalize their analytics tracking and maintain consistent branding across their tools and platforms.

Here's a detailed explanation of how to utilize the functionalities presented:

Screen Overview: Connect Custom Domain

Instructions and Requirements