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The Heatmaps screen in SimplifyAnalytics provides a visual representation of user interaction on various pages of your website. Here's how to navigate and use this screen effectively:

Overview of Heatmaps Screen

  1. Accessing Heatmaps: Click on the Heatmaps section within SimplifyAnalytics to view the list of heatmaps created for different pages.
  2. Heatmap List: The screen shows the names of the pages for which heatmaps are created, their URL paths, and their status.
  3. Status Indicator: The 'Collecting data' status suggests that the heatmaps are currently active and gathering user interaction data.
  4. Creation Date: The date indicates when the heatmap collection was initiated for each page.

Using the Heatmaps Screen

  1. Creating a New Heatmap: Use the 'Create heatmap' button to start tracking a new page. You will need to enter the URL of the page you want to track and configure any additional settings.
  2. Viewing a Heatmap: Click on a heatmap entry to view the visual data. You'll see areas of high interaction displayed in warm colors (like red) and low interaction in cool colors (like blue).
  3. Analyzing User Interaction: Study the heatmap to understand where users click, scroll, and focus their attention on the page. This can help identify popular sections and elements that may need improvement.
  4. Improving Page Design: Use insights from the heatmap to make data-driven decisions about layout changes, such as moving important content to areas of high engagement or removing elements that do not attract attention.
  5. Optimizing Conversion Elements: Ensure that calls-to-action and conversion-related elements are placed in areas that receive high user interaction.
  6. Monitoring Over Time: Regularly check the heatmaps to see how changes to your site affect user behavior. Continuous data collection will update the heatmap over time.
  7. Exporting Data: Depending on SimplifyAnalytics' features, you might be able to export heatmap data for reporting purposes or for a more detailed analysis.

By utilizing the Heatmaps screen, you gain visual insights into how users are interacting with your site, which can inform UI/UX design decisions, content placement, and overall website optimization strategies.

Create new heatmap

The "Create a new heatmap" form in SimplifyAnalytics is a feature that allows you to set up a new heatmap for a specific page on your website. Here’s how to use this form:

Using the 'Create a New Heatmap' Form

  1. Open the Form: Select the 'Create heatmap' button, usually found on the Heatmaps screen or dashboard.