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The Realtime Analytics dashboard in SimplifyAnalytics, provides current data about user activity on the website. Here's how to navigate and utilize each section:


Active Users on Site Graph

How to Use:

  1. View Current User Activity: This graph displays the number of active users on the site within the last five minutes, allowing you to see traffic spikes or drops in real-time.
  2. Monitor Traffic Trends: Use this to monitor the immediate impact of recent content updates, social media posts, or ongoing marketing campaigns.

Countries Section

How to Use:

  1. Assess Geographic Reach: This section lists the countries from which the current visitors are browsing, showing the visitor count and percentage share.
  2. Tailor Content and Timing: Adjust content localization based on the dominant geographic locations of your visitors. Plan content release and social media activity timing according to the time zones where most users are located.

Devices Section

How to Use:

  1. Device Type Breakdown: It shows the types of devices (Mobile or Desktop) that current visitors are using.
  2. Optimize User Experience: Use this information to conduct immediate checks on device-specific website performance and UX design, ensuring optimal functionality.

Pages Section

How to Use:

  1. Identify Popular Content: This lists the pages currently being viewed, along with the number of visitors on each page.
  2. Content Strategy: Determine which pages are engaging users in real-time and consider pushing similar content or promotions based on what’s trending.

Step-by-Step Utilization of Data