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The "Websites" screen in SimplifyAnalytics is designed to manage and monitor multiple websites' analytics from a single dashboard. Here’s a guide to understand and use the functionalities available on this screen:


Overview of the Websites Screen

  1. Website List: This area displays the websites currently being tracked. Each entry shows the website's name, its favicon for easy identification, and the domain URL.
  2. Usage: This might indicate how much of your allocated analytics quota you are using for each website.
  3. Tracking Status: Shows whether tracking is active for each website and which mode it is in (e.g., 'Advanced mode' or 'Lightweight mode').
  4. Action Buttons:
  5. Add Website Button: Allows you to add a new website to your SimplifyAnalytics account for tracking.

Step-by-Step Use of the Websites Screen

  1. Viewing Website Analytics: Click on the graph icon next to a website to view its specific analytics data.
  2. Checking Tracking Status: Review the 'Tracking' column to confirm that data collection is active and understand what type of data is being collected based on the mode.
  3. Adding Tracking Code: Click on the code (</>) icon to access and copy the tracking code snippet. You'll need to install this on your website for SimplifyAnalytics to track user interactions.
  4. Adjusting Settings: Use the three dots icon to access additional settings, which might include options like editing website details, deleting a website from tracking, or viewing site-specific settings.
  5. Adding a New Website: Click the 'Add Website' button to start tracking a new website. You'll likely need to enter details like the website's name and URL and configure the tracking settings.

Utilizing Data for Decisions

By navigating the Websites screen in SimplifyAnalytics effectively, you can oversee the performance of multiple websites, allocate your analytics resources efficiently, and make informed decisions that help optimize your online presence.